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bad habits that hurt teeth and cause dental problems

What Are The Common Bad Habits That Hurt Teeth And Cause Dental Problems?

To maintain a white, healthy smile, you may brush, floss, and see your dentist frequently, but did you know that certain behaviors might really harm your teeth and cause dental problems? It’s likely common knowledge that eating sugary snacks in between meals is not a good idea, but there are other habits that might harm teeth that are less evident. Do you engage in any daily activities that could be endangering your dental health? Here are some bad habits related to dental health to avoid.

1. Excessive Brushing of Your Gums and Teeth

It is possible to wash your teeth too much. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), brushing with a hard-bristled toothbrush or applying too much pressure might harm your teeth and gums. Use a toothbrush with soft bristles and broad, gentle strokes to prevent this.

2. Biting Your Nails

Think about the potential harm to your teeth and jaw from biting your nails if you need more motivation to quit. Doctors claim that chewing your nails can lead to jaw dysfunction because it forces you to keep your jaw forward for extended periods of time. Biting your nails can also cause tooth chips. Try using nail polish to paint your nails in order to break this habit.

3. Biting Or Chewing On Ice

Do you eat the last of the ice cubes in your drink without realizing it’s gone? Using a straw or sipping without ice is advisable to help break the habit if you don’t want to run the danger of chipping or breaking a filling.

4. Gritting or Clenching Your Tooth

Although it’s frequently a subconscious habit, clenching and grinding your teeth can lead to tooth damage, sore muscles, and limited movement of your jaw. It is suggested to try relaxing techniques, a mouth guard for sleeping, and making an effort to be more conscious of when the clenching or grinding begins in order to help prevent this detrimental behavior.

5. Smoking

Dental Clinics claim that any tobacco product, including chewing tobacco and cigarettes, is bad for your teeth and gums. The risks of gum disease, bad breath, dry mouth, tooth decay, and oral cancer are increased when you use tobacco. See your doctor about resources to assist you in quitting smoking.

6. Sucking Your Fingers or Thumb

For infants, sucking thumbs or fingers is okay, but beyond age five, the practice may lead to misaligned teeth, according to the dentists. When the youngster gets older, this misalignment may cause major dental issues. Weaning children off of thumb or finger sucking is something that their pediatrician or pediatric dentist can advise on if your child is five years old or older.

7. Making Use of Toothpicks

Although you may believe that cleaning your teeth after a meal is a good idea, dental clinics warn against using toothpicks or other non-dental tools to poke about in your mouth since this can lead to infected or damaged gums. To get food out from between your teeth, floss or use a dental cleaning product that has been approved by the dentist.

8. Improper Use of Teeth

You run the danger of breaking a tooth or injuring your jaw if you bite open a package or hold anything between your teeth, which can cause dental problems. Don’t use your teeth as a pair of scissors or as a third hand; instead, take your time doing the task. 

9. Drinking Soda

The University of Rochester Medical Center cautions against the risk of teeth enamel erosion associated with regular consumption of carbonated soft drinks. Make the switch to milk, black or green tea, or plain (ideally fluoridated) water. These can aid in fortifying your tooth enamel and shielding your teeth from oral microorganisms.

10. Eating sugar-filled snacks

Consuming high-sugar snacks in between meals feeds the oral bacteria that cause tooth decay. In order to reduce your likelihood of feeling hungry in between meals, eat balanced meals and, if you do indulge in sugary food, wash it down with lots of water. 

11. Neglecting Dental Treatments

Your oral health can be affected by engaging in tooth-damaging activities and neglecting preventative dental care. It’s easy to convince yourself that you don’t have time for a dental exam or that the slight pain you feel when biting down will go away on its own. However, it’s important to visit the dentist regularly. Next time you’re tempted to delay scheduling a dental appointment, make the effort to make that call.

Ultimately, maintaining a healthy smile requires a multi-pronged approach. A strong oral hygiene routine is essential, including regular brushing, flossing, and dental visits. But it’s just as important to be mindful of everyday habits that can undermine your oral health. Seemingly harmless behaviors like nail-biting and unsuspected culprits like sugary drinks can all chip away at your smile’s well-being.

If you’re looking forward to cultivating a dazzling smile and avoiding cavities, gum disease, and other dental woes, be mindful of the habits mentioned above and consider incorporating some of the tips mentioned throughout this blog. Attending scheduled dental checkups and cleanings to a trusted dentist in Burbank, CA, can help identify and address potential issues early on, saving you time, money, and discomfort in the long run. Don’t let bad habits cause dental problems! Take control of your oral health and prioritize a healthy smile. Schedule an appointment with your Burbank dentist today!